Thursday, February 2, 2012

I stumbled and fell a little earlier, but feeling better now than I have since I started this blog!

So a little background information on me in case you don’t already know.  I just graduated in December and am very actively looking for a job.  There will be 4 different career fairs coming up on Saturday in 4 vastly different parts of town.  I’m super excited to actually be going to these as I finally may have a shot at getting a job in the field I so dearly love and have been studying in for the better part of 10 years.  So because of this, I did exercise today as I was running a million errands to prepare (I’m a nerd and can try to be a bit of an overachiever at times!)  But the truly crazy news is that I found this gorgeous business suit that I love so much.  However the thing that makes me love it even more is that it’s a size 16 instead of the size 20 I was expecting to have to buy.  I seriously in no way can adequately express how happy this made me, so I will leave you with this link.  (You should also know that if I ever dance, this is sadly what I look like!)

I did crack a little last night though.  I guess the good news is that seems to get a little less each night.  I had about a handful of chocolate chips and a medium bowl of pasta. 

Breakfast: Oatmeal with blueberries and coffee

Lunch: Leftovers from last night.  Weekday lasagna with ground turkey and lots of peas!

Snack: Mini Clif Bar Blueberry Crisp

Mid-Day insanity eating:  More tortilla chips than I could count, but I would guess about 40 chips and about 3 handfuls of mini chocolate chips.

Dinner:  A did much better than I expected to do.  Although I love nearly all carbohydrates, yeast rolls are the apex for me!  This may sound sad that I’m proud of this, but I only had 2.  I used to have around (this is painful!) 6.  I would always just tell the server to bring what they would consider a ludicrous amount of rolls to the table.   Also, instead of the steak, with loaded baked potato I wanted, I got a grilled chicken salad.  I actually didn’t use any of the bacon, took all the crotons off, and only used half of the dressing.  Plus, I only ate about half of it. And instead of the sweet tea that I wanted so badly, I was good and got water.

Dessert:   4 Munchkins from Dunkin Donuts. 2 chocolate and 2 blueberry.

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